A specific plan is a tool for the systematic implementation of the general plan. It effectively establishes a link between implementing policies of the general plan and the individual development proposals in a defined area. A specific plan may be as general as setting forth broad policy concepts, or as detailed as providing direction to every facet of the development from the type, location and intensity of uses to the design and capacity of infrastructure; from the resources used to finance public improvements to the design guidelines of a subdivision.
The Specific Plan process must provide opportunities for the general public, as well as residents located within planning areas to assist in the planning of their particular communities. Public involvement helps define the community's vision of future growth and development.
The new growth areas of the City have been divided into five specific plan areas, Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, University District and Wilfred Dowdell,
Specific Plan Area Map. Note that Northeast has yet to be annexed in to the City. For more detailed information on each of the specific plan areas, click on the tab below.