Parks and Recreation Commission

The Parks and Recreation Commission is a group of five community volunteers appointed by the City Council to advise them on matters relating to city parks, cultural arts and recreation facilities and services. Following the course of annual Commission goals, Commissioners work in committees to discuss regular topics such as the Aquatics Program, Dog Park, Sports and Fitness Center, Youth Sports, Parks and Facilities, or any other special issues, and bring recommendations to the entire Commission for consideration.

The annual capital improvement program for parks and recreation projects is reviewed and prioritized by the Commission. The Director of Community Services is the city staff liaison to the Commission, with staff support and information provided for the Community Services and the Public Works Department, which is responsible for maintenance of city facilities.

Lastly, the Parks and Recreation Commission conducts meetings open to the public to resolve issues and formulate recommendations for the City Council's consideration. Accomplishments include the design of the new Roberts Lake Dog Park, the establishment of an Adopt-A-Park Program, revision of the Parks  and Recreation Facilities Master Plan and review of the design of playground renovation projects at four local parks.

Meetings: *First Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber. (Regular meetings are televised live on Channel 26.)

Visit Meeting Central page to view agendas and videos for the Parks and Recreation Commission.

For a list of member and to apply, please click here.

Staff Contact:

Cindy Bagley
Director of Community Services
Ph: (707) 588-3452
Email: [email protected]