Emergency Preparedness

Why do you need to be prepared in the event of a disaster? image

Disaster preparedness is an essential element for long-term assurance of the safety and well-being of individuals and families. Depending on the scale of the disaster, it is possible that your local emergency responders or government may not be able to help you within the first few hours or even days. 

Local government has very limited resources and must deal immediately with the most pressing needs, much like triage. You and your family may need to fend for yourselves for a period of time. Being prepared to handle a disaster on your own for a short duration is a key to your own success and peace of mind. 

Below are some resources to help you prepare. We also recommend subscribing to our Nixle advisory service as it’s our way to directly provide relevant information to our citizens during times of emergency. Text “rpdps” to 888-777 or go online at www.nixle.com


Disaster Preparedness Documents


The following websites you may find helpful with regards to terrorism, disasters and fraud:

FBI  RedCross   www.usps.com   PG&E Emergency Preparedness  Survival Kits 

Emergency Prepardness Checklists