Projects Funded by Measure M and SB-1 Gas Tax

  • State Farm Drive Rehabilitation (Measure M and SB-1)
  • Highway 101 Bike and Pedestrian Crossing Feasibility Study (Measure M)
  • Roundabout - Southwest Blvd/Commerce Blvd (Measure M and SB-1)
  • J & G Sections Pavement Rehabilitation (SB-1)
  • Rohnert Park Expressway and State Farm Drive Traffic Improvements (SB-1)
  • Traffic Signals System Non-Routine Maintenance (SB-1)
  • Southwest Boulevard and Commerce Boulevard Roundabout (Measure M)
  • Country Club Drive Rehabilitation (SB-1)
  • East Cotati Avenue Rehabilitation (SB-1)
List of Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) found in the City's budget book located here:

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If you have any questions or concerns about construction activities, please call 707-588-3300 or email [email protected].

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Various Streets Preventative Maintenance, Project No. 2020-21

Project also known as L-Section Rehabilitation.
Project funded by Road Refuse Impact Fund.

Location: L-Section in Rohnert Park.

Summary: The work is described generally as asphalt concrete pavement, cape seal, traffic striping and pavement markings, and minor concrete in L-Section.


Highway 101 Bike and Pedestrian Crossing Feasibility Study, Project No. 2017-20

Project funded by Measure M.

Location: The feasibility study will study existing and potential crossings of Highway 101.

Summary: The US 101 freeway is a major barrier to east-west travel in Rohnert Park, particularly for cyclists and pedestrians, and creates gaps in the City's active transportation network. Although the underpasses at Commerce Boulevard and Golf Course Drive, as well as the Rohnert Park Expressway Overpass, do allow travel between the east and west sides, these crossings, while functional, present safety concerns by requiring cyclists and pedestrians to navigate freeway on and off ramps.

PROJECT STATUS: Feasibility study still in preliminary data collection phase.

Estimated Start Date: April 2020
Estimated End Date: April 2021

State Farm Drive Rehabilitation, Project No. 2016-08

Project funded by Measure M and SB-1.

Location: State Farm Drive from Rohnert Park Expressway to 200 feet North of Professional Center Drive

Summary: The work is described generally as Alternate A - Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) and Alternate B - 8" Deep Lift Asphalt Paving of 19,275 square yards (SY) of asphalt concrete pavement on State Farm Drive from Rohnert Park Expressway to 200 feet north of Professional Center Drive, improvements to curb ramps, new pavement striping and markings, signs and posts, and appurtenances.

PROJECT STATUS: Under construction

Estimated Start Date: August 2020
Estimated End Date: October 2020

2019 Pavement Maintenance Project, Project No. 2018-33

Project also known as J & G Section Pavement Rehabilitation.

Project funded by SB-1.

Location: J & G Sections

Summary: The work is described generally as asphalt concrete pavement, cape seal, traffic striping and pavement markings, and minor concrete in J & G Sections.

PROJECT STATUS: Complete as of April 3, 2020.

Roundabout - Southwest Blvd/Commerce Blvd, Project No. 2017-07

Project funded by Public Facilities, Fees, the Traffic Signalization Fee fund, Measure M, and SB-1.

Location: Intersection of Southwest Boulevard and Commerce Boulevard

Summary: This work is to address roadway safety by replacing the three-way stop sign/yield intersection with a roundabout and associated streetscape, signage, and lighting improvements. The project will improve the corridor safety, efficiency, and aesthetics for transit, bicycling, pedestrian, and landscape purposes. The vision for this intersection is also to create an aesthetically pleasing "gateway into Rohnert Park."

PROJECT STATUS: Construction phase

Estimated Start Date: January 2022
Estimated End Date: Spring 2022

Sidewalk and Creek Path Replacement, Project No. 2017-22

Project funded by gas tax.

Location: Various locations in Rohnert Park

Over the years, the City's pathway standard has changed from asphalt concrete (AC) to Portland cement concrete. This was triggered due to the impacts the native soils had on AC pavement that wasn't treated underneath the subgrade. Several sidewalks throughout the City also have been damaged due to the soil condition and/or trees in the area that are in need of replacement. Both the pathways and sidewalks will require tree removal/root barriers in order to mitigate negative effects in the future.

The work is described generally as removal of existing asphalt concrete pathway and replacement with new PCC pathway with C1.2 aggregate base, minor pavement markings and striping, pruning of tree roots with root barrier installation, signage, and removal and replacement of curb ramps and associated appurtenances.

PROJECT STATUS: Complete as of February 13, 2020.

East Cotati Avenue Rehabilitation, Project No. 2017-17

Project funded by SB-1.

Location: Western City Limit to Snyder Lane

Summary: East Cotati Avenue is a four-lane divided Minor Arterial that spans Sonoma State University and City of Cotati. The City is conducting a Traffic Flow Improvement Study. The study indicates that the intersection of East Cotati Avenue and Camino Colegio be widened to facilitate traffic flow.

PROJECT STATUS: Planning phase

Estimated Start Date: Summer 2021
Estimated End Date: Fall 2021

RPX/State Farm Drive Traffic Improvements, Project No. 2018-41

Project funded by Excess Bond Proceeds.

Location: Various locations in Rohnert Park

Summary: Pedestrian refuges and rehabbing State Farm Drive between Rohnert Park Expressway and Enterprise Drive.


Traffic Signals System (Non-Routine Maintenance), Project No. 2019-28

Project funded by SB-1.

Location: Various locations in Rohnert Park

Summary: The purpose of this project is to pay for non-routine maintenance projects that are not covered in the general maintenance agreement.


Country Club Drive Rehabilitation, Project No. 2018-34

Project funded by SB-1.

Location: The location of this project is Country Club Drive, between the Hinebaugh Creek Bridge to Eleanor Avenue, and a small stretch of Ellen Street east of Country Club Drive.

Summary: The purpose of this project is to tear out Country Club Drive's falling asphalt and base material and replace it with a stronger longer lasting road.


Commerce Water Line Replacement, Project No. 2019-29

Project funded by water preservation charge, water capacity charge and water utility fund.

Location: Commerce Boulevard from Golf Course Drive to State Farm Drive, the east on State Farm Drive from Commerce Boulevard to the intersection of State Farm Drive and Classic Court.

Summary: The purpose of this project is to replace and relocate the water line from the back of the sidewalk into the road for maintenance.


Estimated Start Date: Spring 2021
Estimated End Date: Summer 2021

2019 Interceptor Outfall - Phase 2, Project No. 2018-28

Project funded by sewer utility fund and public facilities fees.

Location: Along the Laguna de Santa Rosa, west of Stony Point Road to the waste water treatment plant from manhole number 5 to 11.

Summary: The purpose of this project is to line the interior of the pipe to preserve the force main sewer for future use.

PROJECT STATUS: Construction Phase

Estimated Start Date: Summer 2020
Estimated End Date: Winter 2020

A-Section / Commerce Sewer Line Replacement Phase 1, Project No. 2019-20

Project funded by sewer utility fund and public facilities fees.

Location: A-Section and intersection of Camino Colegio and Southwest Boulevard.

Summary: The purpose of this project is to replace the sewer line and improve flow through at both locations.


Estimated Start Date: Fall 2020
Estimated End Date: Winter 2021

Rohnert Park Expressway and Commerce Pedestrian Safety, Project No. 2020-28

Project funded by FIGR Supplemental Contribution.

Location: Intersection of Rohnert Park Expressway and Commerce Boulevard.

Summary: The purpose of this project is to improve pedestrian safety and decrease traffic queuing time.


Estimated Start Date: Summer 2021
Estimated End Date: Winter 2021

Protected Permissive Signal Head Conversion, Project No. 2018-30

Project funded by gas tax and Casino Mitigation.

Location: Various locations throughout the City of Rohnert Park at traffic intersection.

Summary: The purpose of this project is to improve traffic flow throughout the City. This project will be performed in phases over the following years.


Estimated Start Date: Fall 2020
Estimated End Date: Spring 2021

Wilfred Bioretention Rehabilitation, Project No. 2020-31

Project funded by a joint exercise of powers agreement by and between the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria and the City of Rohnert Park to maintain the western portion of Wilfred Avenue.

Location: Wilfred Avenue and Golf Course Drive from Dowdell Avenue to Langer Avenue.

Summary: The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate the bioretention facility in front of the casino.

PROJECT STATUS: Construction Phase

Estimated Start Date: Fall 2020
Estimated End Date: Winter 2020

Sidewalk and Creek Path Replacement - Crane Creek, Project No. 2017-22

Project funded by Community Investment contributions from the Graton Mitigation Fund per the memorandum of understanding by and between the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria and the City of Rohnert Park to mitigate the impacts of the casino on the Rohnert Park community.

Location: Crane Creek in Rohnert Park from Snyder Lane to Five Creeks.

Summary: Over the years, the City's pathway.standard has changed from asphalt concrete (AC) to Portland cement concrete. This was triggered due to the impacts the native soils had on AC pavement that wasn't treated underneath the subgrade. Several sidewalks throughout the City also have been damaged due to the soil condition and/or trees in the area that are in need of replacement. Both the pathways and sidewalks will require tree removal/root barriers in order to mitigate negative effects in the future.

The work is described generally as removal of existing asphalt concrete pathway and replacement with new PCC pathway with C1.2 aggregate base, minor pavement markings and striping, pruning of tree roots with root barrier installation, signage, and removal and replacement of curb ramps and associated appurtenances.


Estimated Start Date: Winter 2020
Estimated End Date: Spring 2021