Complaints and Commendations


We appreciate hearing about the good work by Rohnert Park Public Safety employees, both sworn and professional. Commendations, either verbal or written, highlight exemplary behavior and become part of the employee's permanent record. They mean a lot to our staff.


Personnel Complaints

All California law enforcement agencies are required to have a process for citizens to file complaints against personnel. This page assists those who need to make a complaint against any member of the Department of Public Safety.

What is a Civilian Complaint?

A civilian complaint is your opportunity to address whatever issue or concern you may have about a Department member’s performance. You can make a complaint about anything that concerns you. It will be taken seriously and handled appropriately by supervisory staff.

Who Can Make a Complaint?

A personnel complaint may be made by anyone. However, it the complainant is under the age of 18, we require that the complainant be accompanied by a parent or an adult.

Will I Have to Testify If I Make a Complaint?

A complainant does not normally have to testify in any formal hearing. During the investigation you, along with all witnesses, may be questioned concerning the incident. It is essential to any investigation to ask all pertinent questions and obtain factual information. Once an investigation is concluded, a disposition will be determined.

How Can a Personnel Complaint Be Made?

We encourage you to make your complaint by telephone, by mail, or by email to [email protected]; however, in-person is also an option. The complaint may be made at the Department of Public Safety, or another mutually convenient location. The Department is primarily interested in learning of your concerns about law enforcement conduct or a need for improvement in our delivery of services.

When Can a Complaint Be Made?

A complaint may be made 24 hours a day. After normal business hours, a personnel complaint may be registered with any supervisor or the on-duty Watch Commander, or by calling (707) 584-2600.

What Happens After I File a Complaint?

The complaint is assigned to a supervisor for further investigation, then sent to an independent police auditor for review. You will be notified in writing the disposition of the complaint.

Each allegation will be classified with one of the following dispositions:

Unfounded- When the investigation discloses that the alleged act(s) did not occur or did not involve department personnel. Complaints which are determined to be frivolous will fall within the classification of unfounded.

Exonerated- When the investigation discloses that the alleged act occurred, but that the act was justified, lawful and/or proper.

Not Sustained- When the investigation discloses that there is insufficient evidence to sustain the complaint or fully exonerate the employee.

Sustained- When the investigation discloses sufficient evidence to establish that the act occurred and that it constituted misconduct.

What Happens If I File a False Criminal Complaint?

We invite civilians to bring their concerns regarding law enforcement practices and services to our attention, however, anyone who alleges that a crime was committed and reports that to a peace officer, knowing the report to be false, could be charged with a misdemeanor.

Public Safety

Police and Fire Services

Emergency:  911
Non-emergency: (707) 584-2600
Anonymous Crime Reporting: (707) 584 2677

Director of Public Safety 

500 City Center Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928

Records Fax: 707.584.2683


Social Media
