Building Plan Review

To submit plans for new buildings or changes to existing buildings, follow these steps:

  1. Submit in Person: Bring three sets of drawings and three copies of supplemental information to:

    • Rohnert Park Fire Services Division

    • 500 City Center Drive

    • Rohnert Park, CA 94928

  2. Submit Electronically: Email a complete set of plans and documents in PDF format (max 80,000KB) to [email protected].

  3. Fees: Plan check and permit fees are based on contract valuation and payable at the time of submission.

Plans for Fire Services: Include fire sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, pre-engineered fire protection systems, high piled storage, and tents.

Note: All other plans are submitted to the Building Department and are automatically routed to the Fire Services Division.

For the fee schedule and more details, please refer to the provided links or contact the department directly.

Civil Submittal Checklist


  • Permanent emergency vehicle access shall meet City standards.
  • Access roads during construction shall meet requirements of the City Fire Department.
  • Access roads shall be provided at construction sites prior to any combustible storage or combustible construction.
  • Emergency vehicle access roads shall be a minimum width of 20' paved. The required width shall not be obstructed.
  • Vertical clearance must be a minimum of 13 ft. 6 inches.
  • Access roads shall meet City Standards for grade.
  • The turning radius of all access roads shall be a minimum of 20' inside and 40' outside.
  • Additional width may be required for special circumstances, such as a high-rise building.
  • Emergency vehicles shall be able to reach within 150' of all portions of the bottom floor of all buildings.
  • Cul-de-sacs that exceed 500 feet in length need a secondary access meeting Fire Department approval.
  • Permanent gated access must be openable by a method acceptable to the Fire Department.
  • "Fire Lanes" may be established as required for fire apparatus access.


  • Dead-end access roads that exceed 150 feet in length need an approved turnaround.
  • Turnarounds for streets shall be cul-de-sacs meeting City standards.
  • Turnarounds for driveways serving no more that four residences may be hammerheads meeting Fire Department specifications.

Water Supply:

  • For underground fireline plan submittal and installation see Information Bulletin #99-01.
  • The inspection of all underground firelines and associated devices shall be done by the Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety.

Fire Hydrants:

  • Fire hydrants in residential subdivisions shall be spaced a maximum of every 500 linear feet.
  • Fire hydrants in commercial, industrial or multifamily residential areas shall be spaced a maximum of 300 linear feet.
  • On-site fire hydrants shall be provided where buildings exceed 150 feet driving distance from a water supply on a public street.
  • On-site mains and fire hydrants shall be capable of providing the required fire flow.
  • When a building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system a fire hydrant shall be provided within 50' of the fire Department connection (FDC).
  • Fire hydrant placement shall meet the Fire Department approval to coincide with fire tactics and equipment.
  • Fire hydrants shall be installed along both sides of divided streets.
  • Fire hydrants shall be in service prior to any combustible construction or storage.
  • The installation and inspection of fire hydrants, although required to be approved by the Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety, will be inspected by the Engineering Department of the City.

Building Submittal Checklist

Automatic Fire Sprinklers:

  • A fire sprinkler system shall be installed in all newly constructed residential or commercial buildings in the City.
  • A fire sprinkler system shall be installed in existing buildings where a tenant improvement meets the requirements per City Municipal Ordinance 651.
  • The contractor shall submit plans and appropriate fees and obtain approval from the Fire Department prior to the installation of the fire sprinkler system.
  • A separate approval and permit is required for the installation of the fire protection underground. See above.
  • Specific plan submittal requirements for the installation of sprinkler systems shall be as outlined in Information Bulletin # 28.

Fixed Extinguishing Systems:

  • Contractors shall submit plans with appropriate fees for approval and obtain permit from the Fire Department prior to installation.
  • Specific plan submittal requirements for the installation of fixed extinguishing systems shall be as outlined in Information Bulletin # 37.

Fire Alarm Systems:

  • Fire alarm systems shall be required in all newly constructed buildings in the City. Tenant improvements in sprinklered buildings shall be provided with interior water flow notification.
  • Contractors shall submit plans with appropriate fees for approval and obtain a permit from the Fire Department prior to installation or alteration.
  • Specific plan submittal requirements for the installation of fire alarm systems shall be as outlined in Information Bulletin #53.

Note: Information Bulletins can be obtained by direct request.