Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Updated 08-14-23

Q1. Why does the City have a Mobile Home Ordinance?

Substantial rises in housing costs in the late 1980s created concerns among residents regarding affordability of all types of housing. Mobile home parks were particularly hard hit by rising space rents. To address these concerns, in 1987 Rohnert Park residents approved Ordinance No. 949. Called the Mobile Home Ordinance, it established the Mobile Home Parks Rent Appeals Board (“Board”).

Q2. What is the Rent Appeals Board, and what does it do?

The board is made up of five members appointed by the Rohnert Park City Council. The Board has regulatory authority related to the amount of rent that can be charged for each mobile home space that is under rent control. In that capacity the Board is charged with alleviating the hardship of unreasonable rent increases while still ensuring the park owners a fair return. Some of the main duties of the Board are setting maximum yearly rent increases and reviewing pass-though expenses from park landowners. The purpose of the Board is to insure that residents of the mobile home communities have fair representation, a balance between park owners and residents, and communications when there are proposed increases to space rent.

Q3. Who Serves on the Rent Appeals Board?

Members of the Rent Appeals Board are appointed by the Rohnert Park City Council. They are not compensated for their time or service.

Q4. Who does the Rent Appeals Board serve?

The Board serves the residents in spaces under rent control of the five mobile home parks in Rohnert Park and the park owners. The Board serves primarily as a hearing body to consider rent increases and to insure that rents are not increased in violation of the Mobile Home Ordinance. All mobile home park residents and park owners are encouraged to attend and participate in monthly meetings.

Q5. Who is under rent control?

The Board serves mobile home park residents who are not on leases.

Q6. Why do residents of mobile home parks pay a “registration fee” and what is that for?

Park residents under rent control pay registration fees to cover the costs of the Rent Appeals Board. Park owners pre-pay this annual expense set by the board, and can pass that expense through to park residents under rent control.

Q7. What are the expenses of the Rent Appeals Board?

Expenses include reimbursing City staff time, use of City Hall, legal representation, postage, copies and supplies, etc.

Q8. When can I expect to see an increase of expenses on my monthly bill, and why?

Every year in October, the Board reviews and adopts new space rent increases. In June, the Board adopts its annual budget. There are several reasons why a resident under rent control may see an increase in total rent and/or fees. These include:

  • Pass-though expenses. The park owner may pre-pay for services that allow for them to be reimbursed by passing that expense to the park residents. Such expenses could be for utilities (if your park owner pays for PG&E), capital improvement projects, and annual administrative expenses such as the “registration fee” needed for the Board to function.
  • Capital Improvements. The park owner may construct capital improvement projects within the park. In this case, the park owner will initiate a “capital improvement pass-through” to attempt to recover the cost of the improvement by seeking an individual adjustment of the resident’s rents within the mobile home park and file a petition with the Board requesting such rent increases (the capital improvement will usually be broken out separately on the monthly bill).
  • Annual Registration Fees. The Board can charge necessary expenses to cover administrative costs such as monthly meetings and application and petition review. These ‘registration fees’ are established in the adoption of the annual Board budget. Park owners are allowed to pass the cost of registration fees to residents by adding a monthly amount to the space rent (it will be broken out as a separate line item on residents’ bills).
  • Space Rent Increases. Per the City's mobile home ordinance, space rent increases for rent-controlled mobile home spaces are set based on the annual change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI.) CPI is a measurement produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) that examines the average prices of consumer goods and services or the “cost of living.” If the CPI increases within the established budget year, the landlord is entitled to an increase in space rent for the following budget year. If CPI decreases, space rents will remain the same as the year prior. The ordinance caps increases at 4.0%, so the annual space rent increase can never be more than 4.0%. For more information about the CPI:


Q9. What if I believe my landlord is not following the rent control ordinance, and charging too much?

Park residents may file for a rent adjustment petition on the following grounds:

  • There has been a discontinuance or substantial reduction of housing service to homeowners/residents without a corresponding reduction in rent.
  • The landlord has accepted and retained rent in excess of that permitted within the Ordinance.
  • There are Capital improvement project pass-throughs not yet approved by the Board.
  • There have been inappropriate registration fees charged.


Q10. Where can I find more information on the mobile home ordinance?

You can view the Mobile Home Ordinance here:

Q11. How can I contact the Board to ask a question or to voice a concern?

Park residents are free to attend and speak at any Board meeting. Additionally, feel free to contact the Board’s Staff Liaison:

Q12. When and where does the RAB meet?

The Board regularly meets on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 130 Avram Avenue Rohnert Park, CA 94928. Meeting agendas are posted on the City’s website at least three days preceding regularly scheduled meetings: Any meeting cancellations will be posted here and in public places around the City as well.