Specific PlanA specific plan is a tool for the systematic implementation of the general plan.  It effectively establishes a link between implementing policies of the general plan and the individual development proposals in a defined area.  A specific plan may be as general as setting forth broad policy concepts, or as detailed as providing direction to every facet of the development from the type, location and intensity of uses to the design and capacity of infrastructure; from the resources used to finance public improvements to the design guidelines of a subdivision.

The Specific Plan process must provide opportunities for the general public, as well as residents located within planning areas to assist in the planning of their particular communities.  Public involvement helps define the community's vision of future growth and development.

The new growth areas of the City have been divided into five specific plan areas, Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, University District and Wilfred Dowdell, Specific Plan Area Map. Note that Northeast has yet to be annexed in to the City. For more detailed information on each of the specific plan areas, click on the tab below. 

University District Specific Plan

Location:  South of Keiser Avenue, west of Petaluma Hill Road

The UDSP includes approximately 300 acres of land slated for 1665 residential units, 100,000 of commercial and 19.8 acres of parks. The Specific Plan document was approved in 2006 and revised 2014, 2017 and 2020. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and adopted by the City in conjunction with the 2006 approval of the Specific Plan. Development of this Specific Plan area has occurred in phases, under separate Development Area Plans.

Plan Documents
University District Specific Plan - Adopted 2006
University District Specific Plan - Amended 2014
University District Specific Plan - Amended 2017
University District Specific Plan - Amended 2020

Vast Oak North
Development Area Plan - Griffins Grove Park
Development Area Plan - Parkways & Streetscapes
Development Area Plan - Alder Neighborhood
Development Area Plan - Willow Neighborhood
Development Area Plan - Sandalwood Neighborhood

Development Area Plan - UDLLC

Environmental Documents
Initial Study/Negative Declaration - Housing Element - 2022
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration - Copeland Creek Trail to Crane Creek Project - 2020
EIR Consistency Analysis - Keiser Avenue Reconstruction Phases 2 & 3 - 2019
EIR Consistency Analysis - Bristol Neighborhood - 2018
EIR Addendum 2016
EIR Addendum Memo 2014
University District Final EIR - March 2006
University District Draft EIR - Volume I - July 2005
University District Draft EIR - Volume II - July, 2005

Southeast Specific Plan

Location:   80 acre parcel of land located northeast of Bodway Parkway and Valley House Drive 

The Southeast Specific Plan (SESP) is also one of five specific plan areas designated in the City's General Plan for future development.  The SESP includes approximately 80 acres of lands and allows for a maximum of 499 residential units, 10,000 square feet of commercial uses and a 5.0 acre park.  The Specific Plan was adopted in 2010 and amended in 2014, 2019, and 2023.   An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified in conjunction with the 2010 Specific Plan approvals.  Project amendments were reviewed for consistency with the certified EIR.

Plan Documents
Southeast Specific Plan - Adopted 2010
Southeast Specific Plan - Amended 2014
Southeast Specific Plan - Amended 2019
Southeast Specific Plan - Amended 2023

Development Area Plan - 2023

Environmental Documents
SESP Draft EIR December 2005
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Southeast Specific Plan Final EIR
Southeast Specific Plan Recirculated Draft EIR

Northwest Specific Plan

Location:    100 acres located South of Millbrae Avenue, west of Dowdell Avenue, north of Business Park Drive, and east of Langner Avenue.  Golf Course Drive West, which runs east and west and bisects the Project area, will provide access to the Project area from Highway 101.

The NWSP proposes a total of 398 residential units, 458,700 square feet of regional commercial uses, 218,200 square feet of industrial uses, 58,400 square feet of mixed-use, 100 hotel rooms, and parks and open space within the 100-acre planning area.

Plan Documents

Northwest Specific Plan

Environmental Documents
Northwest Specific Plan Final EIR 
Northwest Specific Plan Draft EIR

Wilfred Dowdell Specific Plan

Location:   The Specific Plan covers a 24.77 acre site divided into Village North and Village South.  Village North is the gross 4.58 acre site north of Wilfred Avenue (now Golf Course Drive West) and Village South is the gross 20.19 acre site south of Golf Course Drive West.  Currently, there are two projects permitted in the Wilfred Dowdell Specific Plan, a 5-story, 163 room Oxford Suites hotel with an associated commercial parcel occupying the entire area of Village North and Amy's Kitchen, located on a 2.35 acre south village site at the intersection of Redwood Drive and Golf Course Drive West.

Plan Documents
Wilfred Dowdel Specific Plan - Adopted 2008

Wilfred Dowdell Specific Plan - Amended 2012
Wilfred Dowdell Specific Plan - Amended 2014

Development Area Plan - 2014 Amendment
Development Area Plan - 2012 Amendment

Environmental Documents
Mitigated Negative Declaration - 2014 Amendment
Wilfred Dowdell Draft EIR
Wilfred Dowdell Draft EIR Figures
Wilfred Dowdell Final EIR

Northeast Specific Plan

Location:  The Northeast Specific Plan (NESP) area is located outside current city limits, between the University District Specific Plan and G Section. The project site is bounded by Keiser Avenue to the south; Snyder Lane to the west; Moura Lane to the north; and the City’s Urban Growth Boundary, Crane Creek, and Petaluma Hill Road to the east.

The NESP area is currently under County jurisdiction; however, the plan area is proposed for eventual annexation into the city. Over the last decade, there has been on-going difficulty in getting a specific plan proposal together, mainly due to fragmented ownership of the parcels within this plan area. 
The Specific Plan Area is the last large area in the city without an approved development plan. It is an important opportunity site for future housing and neighborhood recreational amenities.