Commissions Committees Boards

Rohnert Park's Civic Bodies

While the City Council is charged with overseeing the general policies and governance of the City, there are also official civic bodies in Rohnert Park, all of which are important to the functioning of our City government and the wellbeing of our citizens. In addition to their oversight duties, some of these commissions, committees, and boards also provide direction and recommendations to the City Council on specific issues. Virtually all citizens of Rohnert Park benefit from the efforts of the dedicated citizens who willingly give of their time to serve on these important civic bodies.

 Click on the appropriate link below to learn more about each of Rohnert Park’s Commissions, Committees, and Boards.

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City of Rohnert Park "Maddy Act List" (List of Appointments to City Commissions, Committees and Boards)

In Accordance with the Maddy Act (Government Code Section § 54970, et seq.),  the City has prepared an appointments list of all regular and ongoing boards, commissions, and committees which are appointed by the City Council.  This list can be found by clicking on the link below:

Click Here to Read our Local Appointments List "Maddy List"

Click Here for Current Vacancies 

To apply, submit a completed Fact Sheet Application Form (en español, haga clic aquí) online, via email or directly to the City Clerk's Office at City Hall, 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park. 

For more information, please call the City Clerk's Office at (707) 588-2227 or email [email protected]