Once a permit is issued, the Building Division requires permit holders to schedule inspections at specific milestones/phases of construction. These inspections allow the Building Division to verify conformance with approved plans, specification, and calculations as well as California Building Standards Codes and other agency requirements. All permitted construction must remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved by the building inspector. Approval as a result of an inspection shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of code or other ordinance of this jurisdiction. The permit inspection record card and all approved jobsite copy of plans must remain on the jobsite and readily accessible by the building inspector. The building inspector will sign off each inspection or indicate corrections to be made; a re-inspection is required when corrections are completed.
For a list of inspection types with associated descriptions of when inspections are required please review Inspection Description guide on the Building Divisions “Guides and Guidelines” webpage. Please contact the Building Division with any inspection related questions.
To check the scheduled time of an inspection or the status of an inspection please visit the link below the day of the scheduled inspection.
Online Services Web Portal
To schedule an inspection please fill out the form below: