Approved Downtown Form Based Code! 

Link to Approved Ordinance 

​The Downtown District Amenity Zone Form-Based Code Overlay (DDAZ FBC Overlay) has been established to implement the 2015 Central Rohnert Park Priority Development Area (PDA) Plan’s vision to create an attractive and vibrant mixed-use downtown for the heart of Rohnert Park. It provides regulations that govern the form, use, and character of private development, as well as public realm elements including thoroughfares and civic spaces. The new Form-Based Code will create broad and sweeping changes to the future of the DDAZ. Examples of what will change include:

Downtown Design Charrette Results

Downtown  Downtown Model
Over four days in Fall 2017, stakeholders, property owners, the community, and officials came together to refine the PDA's version for downtown Rohnert Park and lay the groundwork for the Form-Based Code. The centerpiece of the charrette was a large 3-D printed model which allowed the consultants and the community to try out new ideas for the configuration of the downtown area.

Downtown Charrette

CRP Charrette Summary

Downtown Form Based Code
/UserFiles/Servers/Server_3037789/File/Downtown/11-13-18 - FBC.pdf

Municipal Code Article XIII - Downtown District Amenity Zone (DDAZ)