Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, at 2:00:00 PM at 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, California, the City of Rohnert Park will receive and open sealed bids for the 2022 Wooden Street Light Pole Replacement Project, Project No. 2018-26. Sealed bids shall be dropped off in the secured box to the right of the main doors in front of City Hall before 2:00:00 PM on June 28, 2023.
The work generally consists of, but is not limited to, the replacement of 57 existing wooden street light poles with a City standard street light within F & H neighborhood sections of Rohnert Park.
The Contractor must have a valid California contractor's license, a Class C-10 license. The Engineer’s estimate for this project is $325,000. The Contractor must begin work within fifteen (15) calendar days after official notice by the City Engineer to proceed with the work and must diligently prosecute the same to completion within 240 calendar days (assuming 180 calendar days is for material lead time) of that Notice.
A copy of the drawings and specifications may be obtained from the City of Rohnert Park, Attn: Laura Luchini, Project Coordinator, 600 Enterprise Drive, Rohnert Park, California 94928, telephone 707-588-3308 or
[email protected], for a non-refundable fee of $20 if picked up, or $35 if mailed.
Bids Due:
Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 2:00PM
130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Bid Documents
Bid Results