Vacancy on Golf Course Oversight Committee/Vacante en el Comité de Supervisión de Campos de Golf
Published on Jan 24, 2024 14:32

We have one vacancy on the Golf Course Oversight Committee. Our vacancy notice can be found on the Golf Course Oversight Committee's webpage, linked here: 

If you are interested, please fill out a Fact Sheet linked here:

If you know someone who is interested, please forward this to them!

If you have any questions, either visit our webpage, or email Ashley Cotter at [email protected]

Tenemos una vacante en el Comit? de Supervisi?n de Campos de Golf. Nuestro aviso de vacante se puede encontrar en la p?gina web del Comit? de Supervisi?n de Campos de Golf, vinculada aqu?:

Si est? interesado, complete una hoja de datos vinculada aqu?:

Si conoces a alguien que est? interesado, ?env?ale esto!

Si tiene alguna pregunta, visite nuestra p?gina web o env?e un correo electr?nico a Ashley Cotter a [email protected].